Welcome to Mikko Laurikaisen Sukuseura ry's homepage!

Our Family society was founded in Savo, St. Michael, Anttola village the 10.10.2010 at 10 o'clock. There were 35 members at present that very day.
Because there already was Laurikaisten Sukuseura, we chose Mikko Laurikainen to our forefather, who was born 10.10.1838 in Juva parish, in Pulkkila village in a smokecot, that is today protected by law. At the end of the year 2012, we were 155 members in our society.
If You are already member of our society, send Your ID-data here to our admin by e-mail and You will receive Your username and a new password to be able to log in both to our Homepage and to our Forum. Change Your password after You have logged in under "Profile" (Don't make it too simple, think about the security of all of us!)
In case You are not yet a member of MLS ry fill here a blanket to be sent to our admin of our archive. You will get by e-mail a username (Your first name and familyname) and a password, when Your application has been accepted.